The Capitol Worship Report
Capitol Worship is not endorsed by any government agency, Congress or USCP.
It is a 501c3 religious service organization.

Capitol Worship is not endorsed by any government agency, Congress or USCP.
It is a 501c3 religious service organization.
Join us every Tuesday at noon till 12:45pm in Longworth 1302 except Federal holidays. The WORD on the Hill Staff Bible Study is led by Dr. Rodney Orr, Dean of Dallas Theological Seminary, DC Campus. Enjoy free Subway sandwiches, chips and cookies (bring your own beverage) as we study the WORD of God together in a friendly relaxed atmosphere with other congressional colleagues. The study is interdenominational and open to all. Capitol Worship is delighted to have Dallas Theological Seminar partner with us in bringing this opportunity to the Hill.
To receive weekly updates and information on this study and other opportunities on campus register in the form below and let us know you are interested in the Bible study.
Mondays, Noon, Longworth HOB 1302